
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2018.

October writing prompt #21: Maxed

   "Sun ei varmaankaan pitäisi tehdä tuota." Arkkula mässytti tyytyväisenä jo neljättä hampurilaisateriaansa sinä päivänä.    "Tehdä mitä?" mies sai sanottua mutustelun lomasta. Nyökkäsin kohti Arkkulan hampurilaista, josta tirisi rasvaa miehen sormien väliin ja valui edelleen jo ennestään sotkuisille farkuille.    "Vetää tuota sontaa sisuksiis."    "Mitä ihmeellistä tässä ny on? Syöthän sääkin näitä."    "Joo mutta en joka päivä. Enkä edes joka viikko."    "Kyllä näitä eilen näytti uppoovan suhunkin."    "Eilen oli krapula."    "Ja mulla on tänään."    "Ja eilen oli."    "Täh?"    "Niin että eilenkin sulla oli krapula. Ja toissapäivänä, ja sitä edellisenä päivänä."    "Mikään krapula ollu. Oli nälkä."    "Ja ainoa vaihtoehto nälän poistamiseen on luonnollisesti toi roska."    "Miehellä on tarpeensa." Hyväntuulinen nau

October writing prompt #16: Putting in the...

   "I'm sorry, Sven, but you will have to put in a lot more effort if you want to get anywhere with this."    Mr. Anderson, my therapist, looked at me with his wet-looking "I'm so sorry you have to deal with all that crap" eyes.    "What do you mean by more effort? I really don't know what more to give, I've already explained everything."    "Indeed, Sven,", said Mr. Anderson, slightly smiling. "You have explained , from an objective point of view. You have given me what an outsider would give, someone who hasn't been in your situation and truly felt what it was like." Mr. Anderson corrected his posture in his seemingly comfortable armchair, slightly leaning towards me and gazing at me, straight into my eyes - straight into the bottom of my soul.    "If I am to help you, then I am to know exactly what happened. Not from an outsider's point of view, I could not care less what the authorities say abou

October writing prompt #14: Buckets of

Hi peeps! Today I realized I have been overthinking these prompts a lot. That's probably one of the reasons why I have skipped so many days of writing - of course I've had other things to do as well, but that's not all there is to it. The way I see it, writing prompts are for effortless writing. They are for writing about the first thing that you associate to the prompt, not for over analyzing whether you're doing your writing "the right way". With writing, there is no right or wrong way. Every way is a good way, and I think that is the beauty of it. So, let's keep it simple this time and not tire our brain with too much unnecessary data. After writing this little story, I realized my brain is shifting to Halloween mode. It kinda shows in the story, don't you think? #14: Buckets of    "What are you waiting for, Jen? Start carrying?"    "Sorry, Jay, I just... I haven't done this before."    "Yeah, I get that.

October writing prompt #10: Fireside

Running a few days late again, but let's not wallow in grief and despair, but instead take up the task of writing about fireside! At first, I had to make the meaning of fireside clear to myself as I'd never heard the word before. Apparently fireside means the area close to a domestic fireplce - so practically a room, house or home. Home can associate to many things, things that are more or less personal, and this time the prompt led me to write about something less personal. Nonetheless, it's a about the comfort of one's home and the safety of a personal space. I had a soundtrack while writing this - "From Past to Present" is a wonderful piece by Jeremy Soule found on Skyrim's original game soundtrack. It is a beautiful orchestral piece that evokes feelings of peacefulness and calmness, and gives that "everything will be okay eventually" feeling. I also recommend that you check out his orchestral album The Northerner Diaries. Jeremy knows how

October writing prompt #7: Cashmere

The prompt for today is cashmere - fine wool that is especially wanted for its warmth, strength and lightness. For some reason, I also decided that a supernatunal cat called Cashmere should be brought into existence (probably because I've been binge watching Supernatural lately and I'm hooked). #7: Cashmere Cashmere istui korkean kiviaidan päällä ja nautti kuunvalosta. Hänen sähkönsininen turkkinsa kimmelsi kelmeässä valossa, ja jos hiljaisen pikkukaupungin kaduilla olisi silloin ollut kulkijoita, ihmiset olisivat varmasti pysähtyneet ihmettelemään erikoisen väristä eläintä. Mutta Cashmere ei ollutkaan mikä tahansa kissa. Hän oli joutunut esittämään sellaista jo jonkin aikaa löytöeläinkodissa - kukaan ei ollut halunnut adoptoida häntä, hänessä oli kuulemma "jotain häiritsevää" - mutta tänä iltana hän oli päättänyt, että teatteri ihmisten kanssa sai riittää. Tarkoitus oli ollut, että hänet adoptoitaisiin johonkin pahaa-aavistamattomaan perheeseen, jossa hän

October writing prompt #5: Spacing

I've got to say that these prompts get more and more interesting by the day. Yesterday's prompt was "smooth like...", and it didn't ring any bells for me - and unfortunately I didn't have time to write about it. Today's prompt is "spacing" - as in letter spacing, perhaps? I created a story of a Mr. Jenkins, an aspiring journalist who struggles to satisfy his employer's, Mr. Jefferson's, demands that tend to change on a daily basis. This one's a really short version of what could be a much longer conversation. I imagine the story to be set in the roaring 20's, a decade that I'm super excited about - the fashion, makeup, style, the overall careless freedom and the rise of independent flapper girls who struggled to be free of their male dominators' power. In the longer version, if I am to write that at some point, these unique 1920's surroundings could be described more, whereas now the era is mostly in my head and it d

October writing prompt #3: Bicep

I've just begun with the #writetober thing and I'm already lagging... So let's correct the situation and go straight to day 3. Today's prompt is as interesting as "bicep" ("hauis" in Finnish), we'll see where I can go with that... I can already picture our friend from the former posts, Arkkula, adventuring here. Today's post is again in Finnish since I really feel I can tell more in my mother tongue. My English isn't fluent enough to always deliver all the things I want - but maybe later I'll make an effort to translate this writing, too. ----------------------------------- #Bicep Arkkula ei ollut kännipäissään sieltä kaikkein rasittavimmasta päästä. Hän oli kuitenkin tarpeeksi rasittava, sillä skannasin huonetta katseellani etsien jotakin jolla heittää tätä oman elämänsä sankaria. Olimme parhaillaan Arkkulan asunnolla, ja hetkeä aiemmin olimme etsineet miehen kotiavaimia, jotka hän oli omien sanojensa mukaan "laittanut v