
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on syyskuu, 2018.

The Secret - all your problems solved!

It's been a while since I last posted here and, do believe me, there is an explanation. I've been awfully busy with a full-time job that ended at the beginning of September. Physically it was very tiring work, which meant that in my freetime, I mostly ate and slept. It was, of course, wonderful to have a job with a decent salary, but right now I'm happier to have energy for my hobbies - like this writing thingy right here, for example. I'm back with a somewhat heavier subject. Lately I've been reading an interesting book about making one's thoughts a reality utilizing the powers of universe, and the book is The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. In this book, Rhonda means to say - quoting many teachers and "gurus" of both past times and the present - that anything you hope to have will come to you, if you ask for it, visualize it and start living as if you already had it. Now, there is some truth in the logic that The Secret promotes. Negative thoughts invite